Curry tapped as new counsel to the JIRC 

By Virginia Lawyers Weekly
Published: September 25, 2000
Published: September 25, 2000
Senior Assistant Attorney General Donald R. Curry has been
appointed as Counsel for the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission, effective
Nov. 1. He will succeed the retiring
JIRC counsel, former Judge Donald H.
Kent. Curry has been with the Virginia Attorney General's office for 18
years. He was assistant attorney general from 1982 to 1986, and senior ...
Martha Kent the x-wife
and very, very good friend of Ilona Grenadier’s was who informed me for Patsy
Ticer I was no longer one of them and I needed to move on – as I could not
win. I no longer had any rights in
Virginia. Donald Curry is part of the
Old Boy Network and in this job he makes sure his friends are taken care of.
Receives complaint one day and returns a letter the next
saying no reason to investigate.
Informed me not to bother with complaint he was good friends with Judge
James McGrath. And through collusion and
friendships with the Legislature he has made it clear no complaints against
these Judges will be heard.
Donald Curry works in the same building as the Supreme
Court in Richmond and is in cahoots with the Supreme Court Justices &
Judges. That State of Virginia’s Old Boy
Network is very busy protecting each other, from their own crimes.
Donald Curry has lost all immunity for not following and
enforcing the Cannons of Judicial Conduct for the State of Virginia. He has allowed his friendships to cloud his
judgment and not do his job. Or is that
why he got the job, the Judge’s knew
what they could get away with.
Attached Documents:
1) Lawyers
weekly September 25, 2000 Curry tapped as new counsel to the JIRC
2) September
28, 2008 JW notes
3) September
30, 2008 Judge John J McGrath info for
Juridical Solutions
4) October
23, 2008 Letter Curry to JW complaint dated October 21, 2008 returned
5) November
12, 2008 – Fax to Curry
6) November
13, 2008 – Letter from Curry to JWG
7) December
8, 2008 – notes to Supreme Court etc in regard to Judge McGrath
8) December
8, 2008 – 233 pages faxed to JIRC
9) December
10, 2008 – Letter from Donald Curry to JW – FU we find Judges in compliance
10) December
18, 2008 – Fax to Donald Curry from JW – I am continuing my fight I believe
more than ever the corruption
11) December
18, 2008 – Juridical Solutions list of Judges – includes Judge Kloch
12) January
9, 2009 - Fax to Donald Curry further
13) January
1, 2009 – Misc Notes
14) July
27, 2010 – e-mail Michael Weiser – who by appearance helped the Judge’s out by
delaying my Motion being heard.
15) July
27, 2010 – e-mail Michael Weiser
16) September
10, 2010 – e-mail Timeline of the corruption
Most Recent Letter ignored by Donald Curry - Because why should he respond - His Retirement was June 2013 - the State of Virginia will continue to pay him for his criminal actions -
Janice Wolk Grenadier
15 West Spring Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22301
(202) 368-7178
March 23, 2013
Donald Curry
PO Box 367
Richmond, VA
Fax # (804) 371-0650
Dear Mr. Curry:
Your letter of February 20, 2013 is very disturbing. You assert that I do not understand your job
and the fact you are retiring at the end of June of 2013. I have reviewed my 5 complaints and 3
complaints that accompany this letter. I
do not see anywhere in these complaints where I ask you to change the outcome
of my situation. I also wish to re-open the complaint against Judge McGrath
SUBJECT: Complaint
of Judicial Misconduct Concerning
Judge Haddock, Judge
Kemler, Judge Clark, Judge Dawkins, Judge McGrath, Judge J.Howe Brown, Judge
Potter, Judge Fortkort, Judge McCue
City of Alexandria Case # CH010654
Supreme Court of Virginia 110156
City of Alexandria M01101482
City of Alexandria
Supreme Court of Virginia 122204
It is with deep sadness that I to enclose the
subject complaint. I am not writing
to request that the Commission take any appellate action to reverse, or modify
a legal decision or other court action taken by any of the subject named
as per the instant letter; Supporting Documents—I am writing to alert the
Commission of sanction able conduct by the subject named judges above , from
September of 2007 to the present—including, not
limited to criminal acts; bad faith acts; egregious not mere legal errors; etc.—as follows:
Acts Complained Of
CRIMINAL CONDUCT (not limited to: Conspiracy;
Collusion; Obstruction of Justice; Mail fraud; Honest services fraud; Extortion;
Harassment; Gang activity; Racketeering); et al and
MISCONDUCT WHILE IN OFFICE (not limited to: Decisions
made in bad faith for a corrupt purpose, deliberately and intentionally failing
to follow the law; Extrinsic fraud; Egregious legal errors; Violation of
Constitutional rights per 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981, 1983 and Virginia Constitution;
Ex parte communications) et al .
Ilona Ely Freedman
Grenadier Heckman an attorney officer of the court who has lied in court, Filed
false documents et al has an unfair advantage in the court being the widow of
the late Judge Grenadier. The above
Judges in vengeance, punishment and retaliation since then to the present with
whom Ilona can easily influence, have recruited many others to their plan and
has created a criminal confederation featuring obstruction of justice and fraud
on the court. The confederation’s
ultimate goal is to ruin Janice and her daughters while allowing the willful
acts that are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton, and grossly
reckless by Ilona.
The actions of the confederation is to scare me
off, harm me and my daughters, has thus continued and intensified criminal
behaviors over time to achieve their goals.
To ensure these goals, since September of 2007 to the present, the confederation has created
an elaborate campaign falsely accusing me of
Extortion, etc. to prevent me of my civil rights.
The vengeance, punishment and retaliation, after
letters or catching the Clerk of Court in lies with the Supreme Court of
Virginia, Catching Judges in lies.
Judges having ex parte communications with opponents etc. The confederation has blocked the efforts I've
tried to make getting in front of a Grand Jury to have a Special Grand Jury
appointed to look into the Criminal Activity.
The Confederation has sabotaged my fundamental rights to Due Process.
Despite having no jurisdiction, legal or factual basis to rule, the Judges
continue to fraudulently and
unjustifiably purported to give Ilona anything she wants. The Confederation has ratchet up the pressure, and I am not going to
The situation is involved and, as indicated,
involves multiple proceedings, which the confederation has attempted to deploy
against me. The upshot is among other
impermissible actions, the Judges and their confederation illegally taken away
all my American Rights out of racial prejudice, vengeance and retaliation, for
money and favors so they could ruin me and be heros to the Old Boy Network.
Accordingly, I have submitted the enclosed
complaints. Thank you.
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury
that the contents of this document are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.
Janice Wolk Grenadier
- This Blog is done by Janice Wolk Grenadier in response to the
Criminal Activity this person as acted in against her to prevent her
from getting a Fair Trial in the City of Alexandria, Virginia - If at
anytime you question or see something that is not factual or correct
please contact me immediately - This Blog is only about the TRUTH -
something the Old Boys Network has a difficult time with in Virginia.
The Old Boys Network controls the Judicial System and rules in
Favoritism and Cronyism.